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CRPF COBRA CAMMANDO is beaten by karnataka police(video)

click the link  to watch the video[video ] .The person who is getting brutally beaten is CRPF COBRA COMMANDO ,CT/GD SACHIN SAVANT who is on leave at home in belgavi,Karnataka.Whole incident happened in front of his home on 23rd April.He was washing his bike infront of his home.Police came and saw him not wearing a mask,without giving any warning they started beating him.He was beaten even after telling the police that he is CRPF COBRA Commando .As per the video the police is beating him first.His clothes were torn,he was handcuffed and paraded barefoot through the streets and was put in ajail.SHO filed FIR even without informing his controlling authority.HIS wife SAYS that he was not given water for many hours.WE know that CRPF JAWANS are highly disciplined and especially in Cobra they are highly motivated.But it's great shame that Karnataka Police is treating a COBRA Jawan like a criminal.

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